Sunday, April 11, 2010

The "Catwalks" in New Mexico

Happy ST. Patrick's Day!!! We found a group of die hard irishmen celebrating St. Patrick's Day at the Catwalk's in New Mexico and just had to have a photo.

Family outing to The Catwalk's in New Mexico.

The 'Catwalks' are a series of catwalks that are fastened to the canyon walls. Back in the day silver miners built them for easier access to the mines. It was pretty amazing to see and a lot of fun. By the way the little paper guy you see in some of these pics is Flat Stanley. He was sent to us by our nephew Logan from Idaho to have some adventures for a school project. We took him with us and then reported back to Logan on all the fun he had.

Better view of the catwalks.

The kids had to take a dip in the river beacause they were 'so hot.' It turned out to be a beautiful day! We went with a family in our ward so the two kids you don't recognize are theirs. It was fun to get out of our little town and explore the wonderful world of New Mexico. By the way New Mexico is about 45 minutes east of us. :)

Isn't this the cutest little thing you ever did see? I got up to mow the lawn and when I started my moter this little guy ran out from under the mower. It is a baby Cotton Tail. The kids had a great time and of course gave him some carrots. Sad part of the story, there were two bunnys under the mower, the other one wasn't as cute anymore.

March Birthdays

Brauk turned 5 years old and I can't believe he is that old. He will start kindergarten this next year. He is learning so much and is such a sweet and funny boy! He wanted golf clubs just like his big brother Jacob. We love you Brauk!

Happy Happy Birthday Brauk-lee dear. Make a wish!

Happy Birthday Jacob Brady!

Jacob turned 7 years old and he is just growing like crazy. He is such a good boy and learning and growing so much its hard for me to believe he is that old. He received golf clubs and has put them to good use. We love you Jacob!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

I apparently don't know how to post things so if you will all bare with me I will try to post the rest the right way. If you will scroll down to the title Busy Busy March then go up, my post will make more sense. Maybe? Good Luck!
Conner made it out of the hospital and into the parking lot before he lost his 'lunch.' He was pretty miserable for the 2 hour drive home and for that night. Brauk however was fantastic and we couldn't even tell he had surgery until......the next morning and then we had 10 days of misery with Brauk, and Conner it turns out was fantastic. Note to the mommy don't double book surgery. It was a long long day!

Conner's surgery took about an hour and a half and it was much more involved than the tonsils. The doctor made an incicion behind his ear where it connects to the head and then he folded his ear forward in order to place the skin graft over his ear drum. The surgery went very well and Conner did good except for when he was trying to wake up he was pretty out of control. It took 4 nurses to hold him down as he ripped his ear bandage off and tried to pull out his IV.
Brauk loved his otter pops! He ate about 10 of them before we left the hospital.

Brauk's surgery was first and only took about 20 minutes. He was such a big boy never crying or fussing much. I was really proud of him.

Busy, Busy March

We started March out with Conner and Brauk having surgery on the same day in Tucson. Conner had his ear drum repaired and Brauk had his tonsils and adnoids taken out. They were both very brave even though they were a little bit scared.